Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Halloween...a few days early!

Mmmm...don't these cupcakes look awesome?  I treated my student aides today with some sweets, chips, and sodas.  They work pretty hard so I thought they needed an early Halloween.  Nobody is too old to celebrate!  We were on Fall Break last week so I've managed to stay away from the blogging world for a bit.  I have finished another book (#12) in my 100 book challenge.  I read The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.  I am working on two others and am hoping to post about them this weekend.  Keep your fingers crossed...

We missed Teen Read Week due to Fall Break, so we will be celebrating next week.  What?  I like being fashionably late!  I chose some teachers to highlight next week and had them tell me the name of their favorite books.  They took a picture with a "mystery book" which I posted in the hallway.

The kids will be offered a chance to win a prize by matching the teachers to their favorite books.  It is always interesting to see how much (or how little!) they know about their elders. 

I also created a display based on the characters from Glee.  I got the idea from a recent conference and the kids love it!  I found pictures of the characters, printed, and cut them out.  Then, my student aides and I chose books we thought the characters would read (What would Glee read?) and put them next to the pictures.  Sooo cute and timely!