National Geographic Amazing: 100 People, Places, and Things That Will Wow You
Normally not a nonfiction reader, I was drawn to this book while watching over my bookfair yesterday. The photographs in this book are amazing! Each photograph (or set of photographs) is accompanied by a description of the item(s) pictured, ranging from a couple of paragraphs to a couple of pages. This book is informative and will entertain reluctant readers. They are "reading for information" even if they don't realize it! My favorite entry is one in which a nature photographer details his experience photographing flamingoes. He was in an aircraft overhead and just as he was about to leave, the flamingoes shifted into a shape....of a flamingo! What a cool picture! Hundreds of flamingoes in the shape of a flamingo. Can you imagine?
Recommended for: Reluctant readers, students who like science, nature, or photography
Rating: 4 stars